Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Depth of Field

I understand this is repetitive and some of you have answered these questions, but along with shutter speed, Depth of Field is the other very important topic.

Watch the video and then discuss the following.

How does lens selection (or Zoom on a zoom lens) affect depth of field? How does the aperture affect depth of field?

Why might you want to blur the background? What compositional rule can you think of that you suggest we blur the background?

For portraits are you more likely to want a blurred or sharply focused background? Does this require a large Depth of Field or a short depth of Field?

Describe how focus should be in a landscape photograph.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Action shots

Watch this video (ear phones on) ... and then respond with the THREE methods to represent/capture action in your photos. For each, list a subject whose action would be well represented using that method.

(Note: After watching the video online, if you want to see a higher quality version of the movie, you may watch it on Mr. Hiller's laptop. The compressed video online blurs the images some so the difference between fast and slow shutter speeds is not as obvious.)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Action Shots

In the next few days we will be exploring the shutter setting, and capturing action. Tomorrow we will be taking pictures of various forms of action in the lab and competing for the best shot.

Today, write a comment to this blog. Discuss how action/motion is depicted in each shot. What in the image portrays the action? How do you think the shot was taken (What settings on the camera)? Do this for EACH photo.


Thursday, October 4, 2007

Settings Discovery

# In your assigned group - One blog entry per group

NOTE: Have one person writing a comment to this blog with one computer, and one person looking at the Moodle assignment with another computer.

* Respond to THIS BLOG with your answers. Include all names.

* 1 Person types - 1 Person handles the camera - 1 person helps/watches time
* Camera on AUTO (the green setting on the dial)
* Green items should be written about in the blog entry.

* Lightning bolt button - 9 minutes
o What is it for?
o What are the different settings (For the lightning bolt), what are they each for?
o Each person should try each and understand each of the settings.
o What is your impression of the quality of photos with this turned "on"

* Switch roles
* Half-push - 9 minutes
o Push the shutter button down half way.
o What happens?
o Point the camera at a subject. Push the shutter button all the way and time how long it takes to take the shot. How long?
o Point the camera at a similar subject. Push the shutter button down half way, let it do its thing. Now, finish pushing the rest of the way and time that. How long?
o Each person in the group should do this.
o Why would it be useful to push the shutter button down half way? Give two reasons.

* Switch roles
* Flower button - 8 minutes
o What is this for?
o Each person should try taking close up photos with this on and this off.
o Try pushing the shutter button half way when close to a subject. How close can you get?
o With the "flower" turned on can you get closer to the subject zoomed in or zoomed out?

* Switch roles
* Review zoom feature - 6 minutes
o Playback or review a picture already taken
o Zoom into the picture (use the zoom control)
o Navigate around the zoomed picture
o This is a good way to make sure your picture is in crisp focus.
o Each person should try this.
o Knowing that you can do this "in the field" to check your photos as you take them, should you ever turn in a photo that is not in crisp focus? (Unless it's blurred for artistic reasons.)

* Switch roles
* Scene Modes - 10 minutes
o Your camera has various preset scene modes (pictures on the dial, face, running guy, etc)
o What is each one used for?
o Take a picture of a sitting person, use AUTO, Then try PORTRAIT. What was the difference?
o Take a picture of a moving subject, use AUTO, Then try ACTION. What was the difference?
o Each person should try the various modes.
o What are these modes doing to the camera in terms of settings?

Monday, October 1, 2007

The Rule

There are many rules-of-thumb when composing your images. Look up some composition rules and describe them as a comment to this post.

1-2 rules with very little or confusing definition = 75%
1 rules with in depth explanation (with images?) = 85%
2 rules with in depth explanation (with images?) = 95%

Five W's

Photo deleted for privacy ...

Photo courtesy Rachel Cook.