Sunday, December 16, 2007

Pre-holiday competition

  • Objective: as convincingly as possible insert yourself or one of your classmates into one of the supplied images.
  • Due: Tuesday end of period. Put it in the appropriate gallery folder.
  • Prizes: 1st place: $10 Best Buy gift certificate - 2nd place: $5 Best Buy gift certificate
  • Must be someone from this school.
  • Must be "Full Body" ... (Do not just replace a head. Portions of the body can be obscured.)
  • Must use one of the two images provided below.
  • Must be good enough to fool a jury!
  1. Match shadows. Is the lighting source the same?
  2. Are any highlights from lighting sources the same on the insert vs. those in the picture?
  3. Is the inserted person the same brightness, contrast, etc as the originals?
  4. Is the resolution of the insert similar (not better detail, not worse detail)?
  5. Have your inserted person both behind some of the original objects as well as in front of some of the original objects.
  6. Removing someone from the original may be the best way to integrate a new person.
To get the image ... click on one of the images below then copy and download the LARGER image that shows up.

This will also serve as your picture for the week.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Cut out

1. There are many ways to cut out an object ... eraser, selection tool, pen, lasso, etc.
2. Go to this site and try this method.
3. Then, search the web for another way to cut out an object, try the method, then paste the link as a comment to this blog entry.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Photoshop introduction

After working through this Wiki (Do the tasks to a photo in Photoshop) up to and including the Levels/Histogram section, which sections do not make sense? Do you know when you would use each tool?

What did you learn today? What do you need to learn more about or have explained better?

Respond as a comment to this blog.