# In your assigned group - One blog entry per group
NOTE: Have one person writing a comment to this blog with one computer, and one person looking at the Moodle assignment with another computer. * Respond to THIS BLOG with your answers. Include all names.
* 1 Person types - 1 Person handles the camera - 1 person helps/watches time
* Camera on AUTO (the green setting on the dial)
* Green items should be written about in the blog entry.
* Lightning bolt button - 9 minutes
o What is it for?
o What are the different settings (For the lightning bolt), what are they each for?
o Each person should try each and understand each of the settings.
o What is your impression of the quality of photos with this turned "on"
* Switch roles
* Half-push - 9 minutes
o Push the shutter button down half way.
o What happens?
o Point the camera at a subject. Push the shutter button all the way and time how long it takes to take the shot. How long?
o Point the camera at a similar subject. Push the shutter button down half way, let it do its thing. Now, finish pushing the rest of the way and time that. How long?
o Each person in the group should do this.
o Why would it be useful to push the shutter button down half way? Give two reasons.
* Switch roles
* Flower button - 8 minutes
o What is this for?
o Each person should try taking close up photos with this on and this off.
o Try pushing the shutter button half way when close to a subject. How close can you get?
o With the "flower" turned on can you get closer to the subject zoomed in or zoomed out?
* Switch roles
* Review zoom feature - 6 minutes
o Playback or review a picture already taken
o Zoom into the picture (use the zoom control)
o Navigate around the zoomed picture
o This is a good way to make sure your picture is in crisp focus.
o Each person should try this.
o Knowing that you can do this "in the field" to check your photos as you take them, should you ever turn in a photo that is not in crisp focus? (Unless it's blurred for artistic reasons.)
* Switch roles
* Scene Modes - 10 minutes
o Your camera has various preset scene modes (pictures on the dial, face, running guy, etc)
o What is each one used for?
o Take a picture of a sitting person, use AUTO, Then try PORTRAIT. What was the difference?
o Take a picture of a moving subject, use AUTO, Then try ACTION. What was the difference?
o Each person should try the various modes.
o What are these modes doing to the camera in terms of settings?